
Friends and family

Next to death itself, the news around Anettes' fight with Cancer could not be worse then the information that has developed today. Last week Anette had a CT scan and the results are devastating. Whereas the Cancer in her Colon and Liver remain stable, the Tumor in her pelvic area has increased in mass by 20% since her last CT scan of only three short months ago. As a result we were informed today that she is no longer qualified to continue treatment at the University of Chapel hill in North Carolina. Treatment will be discontinued immediately.

For those of you who do not already know, Anette has gone through all FDA approved treatments for Colon Cancer and they are no longer affective on her so she opted in on a new stage one research study at UNC.

In short, our next step is unknown. She continues to be committed to fight for her life and wants to keep looking for another treatment program even if not for herself, then to help all of us to possibly forgo tasting from this bitter cup of wine. If there is anything out there that may constitute a chance (regardless how slim or unknown it may be) I will continue to support her wishes no matter where we have to go or what I have to do to get her there..... "PUT IT IN YOUR BOOK" ! In the mean time please don't forget about her or give up on her. That means stay diligent with your prayers and for all of my "non-believing" friends keep sending those positive thoughts because we are in this fight until there is no life to fight for.

Your friend,



Fight Cancer & Never Give Up Wristbands

For those of us still looking for a way to show our support...this fundraiser was set up to help Anette with her medical needs. If you are intersted in participating in the fundraiser or would like to make an order please contact Tanya Fritz-Jackson at accentricaccessories@gmail.com


All online Wristband orders are $5 each. Total includes shipping & handling.
So far they can be purchased in person for $3 each at the following locations:
  1. Fritz-Jackson Residence: 107 Rankin Street; Kannapolis, NC 28081
  2. Trinkets, Trash & Treasures: Franklin, NC Flea Market (828)342-5509

Thank you & God bless!


Back Home Again!

A brief update: Thank you to everyone for their heartfelt prayers! Anette is out of the hospital and back at home again.



Some of you may already know that Anette is in the hospital. She was to have blood work done on Tuesday at 4:30Pm, Ben called on Monday evening to ask if she could come in earlier. She has been very sick since Thursday (a week ago) from the new chemo and isn't recovering as she thought that she would. She's been pretty much medicated for pains. Ben, Tanya and Dave have been spending the last two nights at the hospital.

We need your prayers right now.


The Welcome Wagon!

Event guests were greeted at the entrance by our happy helpers!

The Auction Table

We had a great turnout at the silent auction and raffle. There were lots of fun items to bid on including a Brett Favre autographed football, Brewers tickets, handmade jewelry from Tanya Fritz and so much more! Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to the event.



WOW!!! What an amazing day!!!! A huge thank you to all of you for your incredible generosity and heartfelt prayers! Thank you to friends and family for taking time out of your busy lives to join in a common cause and make something truly special happen. From the dedicated group who helped to pull the event together, to the amazing outpouring of people who attended the event in person and in spirit...your efforts have been amazing! We are truly blessed to have such an incredible support group.

The event was a complete success and we would not have been able to do it without your help! Thank you to everyone. You are all amazing people and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! May God Bless You!!!

With much love,

The Fritz Family



1. You can donate at the event -
2. or Mail a check

Make donation checks payable to:
Ingrid or Harry Heise for Anette Fritz Fund
(no worries - all proceeds to go to Anette!)

Please mail checks to:
The Heise Family
2904 Treasure Hill Court
Matthews, NC 28105


Amazing Efforts!

Melissa Oliver, Anette's niece residing in Rochester, MN also did a yard sale and was able to raise $500. This was due in part to some wonderful items donated by her friends from work. A superb "Thank you" to all of Melissa's friends and the Oliver family!


You Are Invited!

The official invitations to the benefit/auction for Anette have arrived. Be sure to forward them on to all your friends and family. We are hoping to have a huge turn out and raise funds to help Ben and Anette. Hope to see you there!


Silent Auction Items!

The items are beginning to pour in!!! Here is a sneak peak at what is going to be available.

- Jagermeister leather jacket
- Nike apparel and accessories
- Nike pro athlete edition shoes (football and baseball)
- Fun kids toys!
- artisan handmade jewelry
- cooking/kitchen gift baskets
- Jockey comfort gift baskets

...and much more to come! Keep checking back for updates to the list.


Anette will be celebrating her birthday this Saturday, July 28th. Please be sure to send her your best birthday wishes and prayers! We love you Anette!! Happy Birthday.

Thanks to the Heise family, an account for Anette has been created at Wachovia Bank in North Carolina! All deposits will be handled via Ingrid and Harry so that we can keep track of the generous donations and be sure to issue a note of thanks to everyone!

Make donation checks payable to:
Ingrid or Harry Heise for Anette Fritz Fund
(no worries - all proceeds to go to Anette!)

Please mail checks to:
The Heise Family
2904 Treasure Hill Court
Matthews, NC 28105

Fundraiser for Anette

A few months ago Harry and Brigitte Fritz held a rummage sale to help Ben and Anette. They were able to raise close to $100. Harry also sends contributions from his ministry whenever he has the opportunity.

You guys are amazing...thank you so much for your help!


A Message from Ben

Friends and family,
It's been a while since my last update to you on Anettes' condition mostly because there has been very little to report. Unfortunately this has changed and the news is not so good. Last week Tuesday Anette had a CT scan and the results are that her current regiment of Chemo's are no longer affective. The scan indicated that she has sustained additional damage to her liver and that the Tumor on her ovaries has grown by two centimeters. A while back were told that the Chemotherapy that she is on now was the last known affective remedy for her type of cancer and that if it no longer worked that she would be out of options other then to enroll into a research program at one of the Universities. To date, her Doctor has found no research program out there that seems "new or promising". But there is also good news here....Anettes' Doctor told us when she started her last Chemo's that if she where able to survive enough time away from her first type of chemo's she could go back on them with a good chance of effective results. Your prayers and her unbelievable strength have afforded her that possibility! Starting this Friday she will be back on her first type of Chemotherapy again. Obviously she is running out of time and options. Clearly her success on this treatment is (at best) a gamble. Please don't give up on your support and prayers as we need them now more then ever. From the bottom of our hearts we ask God to bless you all for all of your prayers and everything you do to help us. We know that without your support we don't have much of a chance.

Love always,